Datganiad i'r wasg
Gellir gweld ein datganiadau diweddaraf i’r wasg ar lein bellach. Dylid anfon unrhyw ymholiadau gan y wasg yn uniongyrchol at velvet@brycheiniog.co.uk
Mae Christmas Treats from the Nutcracker yn ffordd berffaith o fwynhau tymor dathlu’r Nadolig eleni wrth i Fale Gŵyl Aberhonddu ddychwelyd i Theatr Brycheiniog ar ôl bwlch o ddwy flynedd oherwydd y pandemig. Yn ôl yn 2019, cyflwynodd y cwmni gynhyrchiad llawn cyntaf erioed Cymru o fale enwog Tchaikovsky, The Nutcracker, a werthodd bob sedd ar gyfer pob un perfformiad. Eleni bydd Christmas Treats from the Nutcracker yn cynnwys pob un o’ch ffefryn-ddarnau o The Nutcracker, gydag ambell syrpreis ychwanegol! All eu dawnswyr proffesiynol ddim aros i ddychwelyd i’r llwyfan i synnu a swyno cynulleidfaoedd unwaith eto. Bydd myfyrwyr dawns lleol dawnus hefyd yn ymddangos, ac fe welwch chi ddangosiad cyntaf o fale newydd Bale Gŵyl Aberhonddu, “Plea”, a grëwyd yn ystod cyfnod clo 2020, ac a osodir ar gerddoriaeth odidog Ail Gonsierto Shostakovich ar gyfer ypiano.
Mae At The Waters Edge / Ar Lan y Dŵr yn arddangosfa o brintiau gwreiddiol gan Phil Clark a fydd i’w gweld yn Theatr Brycheiniog yn Aberhonddu drwy gydol mis Thachwedd a Rhagfyr ac i mewn i fis Ionawr 2022.
Cyngor Tref Aberhonddu am helpu ymwelwyr i’r tŷ bach yn Theatr Brycheiniog Er mwyn cadw gwasanaeth i safon cwrdd â’r galw, mae Cyngor Tref Aberhonddu wedi cytuno i gyllidebu ar gyfer rhoi mwy o gefnogaeth ariannol i Theatr Brycheiniog i’w helpu i wella’u cyfleusterau toiledau wythnos nesaf, fel rhan o raglen adnewyddu ehangach sydd ar y gweill gan y theatr ar gyfer 2022 a thu hwnt.
Mae Theatr Brycheiniog yn dathlu gallu croesawu pobl yn ôl i berfformiadau byw o’r diwedd, ac eisoes mae sioeau’n gwerthu pob tocyn wrth iddyn nhw agor eu rhaglen dymhorol hirddisgwyliedig y bu cymaint o ddyheu amdani.
Theatr Brycheiniog are poised ready to return and until performances are allowed, are delighted to be reopening the stage and auditorium as a super-socially distanced café. The Cultural Café Installation is a celebration of the wonderful myriad of people who would usually utilise the space at Theatre Brycheiniog. A whole cross section of the community in Brecon make use of the theatre for numerous activities, from Tai chi to Taiko Drumming, Ballet Dancing to Band Practice. While the theatre is in limited use those groups of people cannot be as present as they would like to be in the space. In response to this, artist and theatre designer Harry Pizzey has created an installation which depicts sixty members of the Theatre Brycheiniog community from eighteen different user groups making them present once again in the building. These portraits are displayed in the auditorium in a huge sky-like blue arch as a reminder of the amazing range of activities and people that would normally occupy the theatre and will continue to do so when restrictions are lifted.
Theatr Brycheiniog serves its community through an outstanding programme of quality professional English and Welsh language productions, and attracts audiences and visitors nationally and internationally, and we are home to the Brecon Baroque Festival and Brecon Festival Ballet. The Gallery exhibits local, national and international artists, with spaces for hire for community and commercial use. The theatre has an additional growing programme of Live Screenings including The Royal Ballet & Royal Opera House Covent Garden and NT Live. Rooted firmly in the community it has served since 1997, the arts centre offers a varied programme of theatre, dance, music and entertainment, in its purpose built 477 seat auditorium and 120-seat studio/rehearsal space.
The Welsh Government has announced a proposed list of events to take place over the forthcoming weeks, working with partners on the delivery of events which will develop processes and guidance that will allow the safe return of events in Wales. If the test events programme proves safe and successful it will hopefully allow larger gatherings back to stadiums, theatres and other venues in Wales later this year. Theatr Brycheiniog especially welcome this news and are excited to be one of the venues chosen to get the pilot events underway as Covid-19 restricMons conMnue to relax in Wales.